Daily life at the Castle!
What We Do
We make life an adventure!
Life is not meant to be a bowl of oatmeal! It is meant to be a wonderful, diverse, challenging, exciting, spicey, emotion filled adventure!
Here at Castle Anam Cara, we try to live that spirit every day. And we urge others to do the same. Push your perceived limits! Embark on new, scary adventures! Feel the power of the link between your physical body and your mind! Write your own life story! And NEVER RING THAT BELL!
Some of the things we do
Pushing your limits
Living a simple lifestyle
Although we have power and water in the Castle, we commit to having the smallest impact we can. Growing much of our own food, using a minimum of water and electricity, collecting rainwater for irrigation and “flowing” with the seasons.
Physical training
David has been a serious competitive athlete since childhood. Track and field, gymnastics, rock and ice climbing, long distance running, triathlons, powerlifting and performing circus arts. He still competes and trains serious athletes here in the Castle’s comprehensive gym. And in true Celtic tradition, Scottish stone lifting, caber tossing and stone carrying are all standard parts of the training. Kilts do make the stones feel a bit lighter!
Immersive education
For years, we have been a top ranked living history destination for the homeschool family. Families come to spend a day immersed in Medieval history. A hands on and interactive experience that has earned praise and respect.
Cutting edge agriculture
David is a controlled environment agriculture science consultant. In the onsite greenhouse, you can see/learn about where agriculture (such as food production) is headed in this world of water shortages, increased temperatures and land stress. You can visit his YouTube channel:
Tea and a visit with the Lord and Lady