Leading edge agricultural techniques
Home food production
As a noted science consultant to the food production sector, David uses and shares his extensive knowledge to help home gardeners maximize their garden’s quantity and quality in the most environmentally friendly way. This very often involves showing gardeners how to grow in containers with targeted water and fertilizer application. Gardening should be fun and enjoyable. Taking the dreaded WEEDING component out of the formula can be a life changing event!
Commercial production
David has been a highly respected science consultant to both the food and high value sectors for years. Ivy League educated, he is science driven and aims to bring the latest peer reviewed data to growers of all size with the goal of helping them attain the highest yields and quality at the lowest financial and labor cost. He also has a deep commitment to being as gentle on the environment as possible. He consults around the country, lectures on subjects critical to the sector (such as the science of agricultural lighting and nutrient management), produces science videos for the Blue Seal stores and has provided science support to a number of well known companies.

Visit David's YouTube channel
Training for athletes and performers
Since I was a child, athletics and a quest to find that elusive mind/body link has been an integral part of my life. It provided physical strength, helped to focus an often “overloaded” mind, required a deep level of discipline which proved so important in my life as an entrepreneur and allowed me to enjoy a rich and exciting life as a serious competitive athlete and successful performer.
But it was not always easy – physically or mentally. Decades of high end/high intensity training, competing and performing also meant many injuries and periods of self- doubt and mental burnout. Over 25 broken bones, head injuries, dislocations and separations, cuts, burns, muscles tears, strains, sprains and tendonitis. 2 broken back episodes and 2 neck breaks. A lower back that is bolted together with surgical steel and a neck that is – well – a zeno graft that spans 4 vertebrae and is stabilized with a titanium cage. Told 3 times I would probably never walk again – if I lived.
2015 – a near deadly case of viral meningitis which then morphed into Guillian Barre’ syndrome. Left side substantially paralyzed, diaphragm paralyzed and barely able to walk for months. Told I probably would not be very active ever again. But remember our motto: DO NOT RING THAT BELL!
Once again I embarked on a self- directed program of rehabilitation. Difficult and exhausting multiple daily sessions of movement and a very gradual strength training program. After 4 months I could again do 1 push-up on my knees!! Today? Well, below are a few pictures and a video of where I am now. As I write this I am now 72 years old and weigh 137 pounds. During a recent powerlifting session with my 20 year old workout partner/friend, I bench pressed my body weight (my weakest event due to shoulder surgeries and a bit of lingering weakness from the meningitis/Guillian Barre’), did a full competition compliant squat with 205 pounds and pulled a deadlift of 280 pounds. My goal is to once again break the 300 pound deadlift mark.
I share this with you for one reason – to show you that you are capable of pushing your body and mind well past the limits that you THINK you have – no matter your age or current physical status. I work with athletes of all ages and all fitness/experience levels. I understand what it takes to move forward when all you want to do is sit down and cry. And – most importantly – I understand the immense rewards that you and those around you will see/feel when you make the decision to finally push those limits!
It "RUNS" in the family!

I was a long-distance runner and a triathlete for several decades. Now my nephew Andrew has become a force to reckon with in the long distance and “ultra” racing worlds. Based in Seattle, he worked diligently to earn his personal trainer certification from the Cooper Institute in Texas. After working as a respected and asked for trainer in several high-end facilities, he now has his own training facility in Seattle.
I was good – but Andrew is REALLY good! Take a moment to visit his site.